Holding on to one's vision entails a lot of determination and patience. Of course you have your usual sometimes insensitive comments from well-meaning friends and relatives. Art and creativity seem so foreign and abstract to a lot of people. But hey! All part of the journey, baby! Plus I have my own cheering squad to back me up. It really is about finding your unique way to live out and share your passion. Allow me to share mine.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Story Of Us

Alfred and I have been together for more than four years. That's us celebrating our 4th anniversary over at Breakfast at Antonio's.

So what happens when a professional photographer and a visual artist end up together? Riot pare! We're definitely not your typical couple. When you get to know us, maybe you'll understand me a bit more. We both have strong personalities. Although I must admit, he's much nicer than I am. I have a mean streak in me. Mwahahaha! I guess I'm your typical Aries baby. Complete with my being stubborn(I call it Passion dahling! My Lola Cora used to call it Paltik!)

Seriously, I'm very fortunate to have Alfred as my bestfriend/boyfriend/creative partner because he inspires me to be a better person. I would like to think that we complement each other. My greatest wish for him is for him to be able to do the type of photography that truly truly comes from his heart. Yes it is a business (and he is good at it) but one must always remember to nurture the creative soul.

Striking a balance isn't easy, that I know for sure! All of us sometimes find ourselves feeling stuck or burned out with our jobs... (this list can go on and on you know) That's normal! We reach certain points in our lives when we don't feel challenged with what we're doing. Days begin to feel like one big routine. Sorry, there's no miracle cure for this kind of feeling. The answer is finding that fire that drives your life's passion. This may require you to step out of your comfort zone and take that one fantastic crazy leap to get closer to your dream. Not easy but possible!

One thing I've learned from being in a relationship like ours is that it is important to encourage and support your partner's dreams. Talking about your issues is like therapy. Having someone to really listen, someone who will challenge you and even argue with you (if need be) makes issues less complicated and dreams a bit more attainable.

4 years and counting! Posted by Picasa


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